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Powers of Attorney

If you were put in the hospital today, who would make your decisions for you? Would they have the legal authority to do so? Having the right documents in place before disability (short-term or long-term) strikes can be critical to ensuring that you and your affairs are taken care of.

With a Health Care Power of Attorney, you can appoint the agents who will make decisions regarding your health care and personal care if you cannot make decisions for yourself.

With a Financial Power of Attorney, you can appoint the agents who will make decisions about the management of your assets if you cannot do so yourself. Your agent can be responsible for paying your bills, investing your money, and filing your taxes.

With a Living Will, you can set out the terms under which you would or would not want medical care or artificially provided food and water.

In each document, you can express your intentions about how it will be carried out.

Articles about Powers of Attorney: